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1 min readSpirituality in Education

Education has an important role to play in developing adults who are truly, and fully human.

Children spend half of their lives in school and are, unsurprisingly, shaped by the kind of education they receive. In this article, author Palak Aurora talks about the three aspects of spirituality that can be included in the educational curriculum.

Implications for AI

In a previous article, we read how technology is causing our children to lose their empathy [read Our Kids Are Losing Their Empathy And Technology May Be The Culprit for more information on why this is important]. This article shows us that aside from preventing our children from using gadgets and other such technologies [read Teaching Children To Unplug for other ideas on how you can teach your children to uplug from technology], our educational system can do so much more in helping raise children who are truly, and fully human.

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