Groups Call for Ethical Guidelines on Location-Tracking Tech

Groups Call for Ethical Guidelines on Location-Tracking Tech

In this March 25, 2021 article published by Wired, author Sidney Fussel reports on a new initiative by technologists in the US and UK which aims to set guidelines for implementing location technology.

The Locus Charter, developed by some the leaders of the American Geographical Society and the Ordnance Survey, Britain’s mapping agency, is a set of “10 guidelines meant to steer an organization’s thinking on the ethical use of location data. The points include protecting vulnerable people and understanding how location data sets can be combined with other data to identify individuals”.

At the present, the Locus Charter guidelines are voluntary but the groups behind this initiative seeks to find support in making the Charter part of regulation such as California’s Consumer Privacy Act or General Data Protection Regulation in Europe.

Editor’s Note: The need to control location tracking is important as it has major implications for data privacy and personal security. Every new initiative that seeks to safeguard our personal data is welcome. We only hope that governments will start to follow through these initiatives from private institutions.

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