The philosophical journey of liberty: from Antiquity to the Age of Revolution
The article explores the historical development of the concept of liberty, tracing its roots from
The article explores the historical development of the concept of liberty, tracing its roots from
Climate change, nuclear wars, and now artificial intelligence - all these threats can will us to a collective near death experience. Can they lead to the transformation of our societies?
How do we take control of the intelligence explosion? How will we navigate the inevitable singularity of the future?
The climate collapse is asking us to look at the world with a different set of eyes. It is asking us to distinguish what is essential and non-essential as we move forward to life in an unpredictable future.
A new science of consciousness is beyond neuroscience. It needs philosophy the acceptance that there are truths that are unobservable.
Quantum physicist Richard Feynman reminds us that ignorance and doubt are valuable in scientific endeavors.
The universal mind is the basis of all reality. Read this article to understand the depth of this assertion.
A new wave of wisdom is coming. To ride this new wave, we must bring a healthy balance between the personal and impersonal, the spiritual and the material. This is the message of the World Wide Wave of Wisdom.
There are numerous findings in scientific researches which invalidates the reductionist worldview. When are will have the courage to shift our scientific paradigm?
Our capacity to ask and answer questions is proof that There is something in human beings that enable us to transcend the biological realm.