In this TED talk presented by UPS’s David Lee, he talks about the great potential offered by artificial intelligence for workers to utilize their creativity and capacity for collaboration. Lee believes that it is the responsibility of companies to develop new jobs that are human-centered to replace those that will be displaced by automation.
Some Important Quotes
- “…if our politicians couldn’t agree on things like health care or even school lunches, I just don’t see a path where they’ll find consensus on something as big and as expensive universal basic life income…I think the response needs to be led by us in industry”.
- “We had a hundred years to move from farms to factories, and then 60 years to fully build out a service economy. The rate of change today suggests that we may only have 10 or 15 years to adjust…that means by the time today’s elementary school are college-aged, we could be living in a world that’s robotic…”
- “I believe that the key to preventing our jobless future is to rediscover what makes us human, and to create a generation of human-centered jobs that allow us to unlock the hidden talents and passions that we carry with us every day.
- “…we as human beings — we feel pain, we get frustrated. And it’s when we’re most annoyed and most curious that we’re motivated to dig into a problem and create change. Our imaginations are the birthplace of new products, new services, and even new industries”.