How physics would have to change for ESP
Russell Targ is convinced that extra sensory perception is real, and that every individual has a capacity to train and access their hidden capacities.
Russell Targ is convinced that extra sensory perception is real, and that every individual has a capacity to train and access their hidden capacities.
Rupert Sheldrake’s TED talk was relegated to a corner of the TED’s website and stamped with a warning label. What was in the talk that had materialists running for cover?
The natural curiosity of scientists enables them to encounter mystical experiences in the various circumstances of their work. The question is: are they courageous enough to face and accept a new world view that challenges the way they were trained and educated?
Death is just a transition from one world to the next. It is the continuation of a journey that is no longer bound by space and time.
Regenerative capitalism is a call for change of economic systems to one that puts people first. Will societies be willing to let go of their materialist mindset?