5G violates human rights and environmental law
Utilizing various researches on the environmental and health impact of 5G, Christian Jensen concludes that 5G has damaging effects on humans and animals.
Utilizing various researches on the environmental and health impact of 5G, Christian Jensen concludes that 5G has damaging effects on humans and animals.
Is this new proposal on the evolution of species be enough to dismantle the materialist version of evolution?
Neuroscience has enabled us to understand the many manifestations of human intelligence. But just like any science, it too, can be penetrated by materialist notions of the mind.
Our technologies have a spiritual dimension. What does this mean exactly?
All over the world, people are awakening. We are no longer willing to continue deny our true nature.
The world is changing, and many of these changes are disappointing and frustrating. How can we continue to work towards a better future despite the current bleak realities?
No, the size of your brain does not determine your intelligence. In fact, John Lorber discovered that some people who “virtually has no brain” can end up at the top of their class.
What can happen if scientists prove that there truly is an afterlife? What if reincarnation truly exists?
Science has a big problem – a part of who we are as human beings cannot be determined by our genes.
What are movies like Her and Ex_Machina doing to modern societies? Why is a website like Fully Human important in unraveling the truth behind machine consciousness?