Why killer robots are inevitable

Why killer robots are inevitable

Robert Marks asserts: lethal AI is essential for our modern society.

The following is a 65-page ebook written by AI expert Robert Marks. Marks asserts that at least in the US, the creation of lethal AI is unavoidable if the country is to survive into the future. 

Whatever the intentions are of the US in building lethal AI, one thing is for certain: AI warfare is coming, and caught in the middle are the same individuals who have already experienced extreme suffering due to wars and social unrests. Yes, for many developers, AI is a tool to improve the human condition. But as we have noted time and again, it is also a weapon of mass destruction. 

Lethal AI becomes necessary in a society that is plagued by otherness and materialism. But if we allow the results of the post-materialist sciences to guide us, to allow the One Mind and Love [read What’s Love Got To Do With Consciousness?] to rule our societies, then what need do we have to protect our individual boundaries and properties? 

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