In a recent statement reported by Business Insider, Elon Musk reiterated his concerns for the future of artificial intelligence. He says, “those who don’t believe a computer could surpass their cognitive abilities are ‘way dumber than they think they are'”. Musk says that he is concerned that it is the “smart people” who cannot imagine being superceded by computers.
Musk is one of several tech experts who are raising the alarm on the creation and rampant use of artificial intelligence technology [see Elon Musk’s Billion-Dollar Crusade to Stop the A.I. Apocalypse].
Editor’s Note: Musk is correct in saying that computers will be able to process faster and with more data compared to the human brain. If we look at human intelligence as material function, then one cannot help but make the same conclusion.
But as we have featured in this website, there are still so many mysteries surrounding human intelligence, the human mind, and nature. To date, no one has been able to find the answer to the hard problem of consciousness, and the various mysteries of nature [see article category on consciousness studies].
We reject the call for human-machine integration, because it completely disregards the human potential which is being uncovered by the new sciences.
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