Setting standards for studying distant healing

Setting standards for studying distant healing

Post-materialist scientists are trying to organize DHI research. Could this be the first step towards the institutionalization of the post-materialist world view?

Distant healing intention (DHI) refers to the capacity of an individual to affect the physiological, psychological, and behavioral health of another individual. DHI is a subset of mind-matter interactions and studies relating to DHI typically tries to answer the question: Can intention alone interact with a distant living system? The article attached below was published in 2004 by the journal on Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. It reviews the relevance of DHI research to healing and offers some guidelines on how such researches can be conducted so that the validity and acceptability of its results can be ensured.

Implications for AI

Many post-materialist studies sound fantastical, but there in every research, there is an effort to utilize the strictest of scientific methods. What makes post-materialist studies different from materialist ones is that there is an openness in the interpretation of results. Results are seen in light of how it is being experienced by the human being, and the possibilities presented by what is currently unknown by the world of science. 

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