The following document is known internationall as the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic which was ratified by the Parliament of the World’s Religions on September 4, 1993. The declaration features basic values common to all cultures, nations, and religions, and was drafted to enable different people to live together in a constructive way. The initial draft was written by Dr. Hans Kung and colleagues, and to date, has signatories from 143 leaders from the world’s major faiths including Christianity, Islam. Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Neo-pagan, Theosophist, and Zoroastrian, to name a few.
Implications for AI
We have once asked, if the alignment problem was resolved, what human values should be programmed into AI? This Declaration offers a wonderful guide of human values that can be used to ensure that future societies are peace-fostering, nature-loving, and socially-beneficial for all.
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