Why science cannot accept reincarnation

Why science cannot accept reincarnation

Various studies shows us the continuity of life. Despite the evidences, however, materialist science refuses to accept the existence of a past life, and by extension, a future life. Why?

In the attached article, we are introduced to some evidences of reincarnation, as well as explanations of the methods used for these inquiries. And yet despite these evidences, materialist science refuses to accept the existence of past life memories.

The author of the article says that reincarnation typically receives two responses from mainstream scientists. On one hand is the philosophical insistence that such an idea simply cannot occur because it will shatter various world views. On the other is the pragmatist which stresses on the freedom of individuals to believe what they want to believe in. The author stresses, however, that both positions does not reflect a real use of scientific method.

Implications for AI

The evidence for past lives shows us life does not end when the physical body dies. What then, is the power of the promise of immortality offered to us by mind uploading and immortality technologies?

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