The world has a plan to regulate AI, but the US doesn’t like it

The world has a plan to regulate AI, but the US doesn’t like it

Will the G7 countries prioritize societal health over AI development?

In this article for Wired, senior editor Tom Simonite raises an important concern: will the Global Partnership for AI (GPAI) have the political will to do what is necessary in order to rein in AI, even without the support of the US? American officials are concerned that the GPAI is overly cautious, and that it could dampen AI development. France’s digital minister Cedric O is concerned with the unsavory use of AI if international regulation and coordination does not flourish.

The GPAI was developed to help governments take control of AI development by getting up to speed with developments and creating international consensus on limiting certain uses of the technology, for example, in projects designed to control citizens. Today, the future of this international panel is at risk as the US takes control of its presidency this 2020.

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