In this 2000 conversation between biologists Rupert Sheldrake and Marc Bekoff, they discuss the importance and implications of the morphic field to self-organizing systems. Sheldrake stresses that there is an invisible force that connects all living systems - a force that enables migratory animals to find their way, that enables birds to fly together without bumping each other, and connects human beings will all things of nature, among other things.
Through an understanding of the morphic field, both Sheldrake and Bekoff believes that we would change the way we treat nature and animals, and perhaps, even ourselves.
Implications for AI
What is it in nature that enables humans to understand its language, despite its lack of actual words for communication? What is it in humans that enables us to perceive the cues of nature?
This article seems to be an extension of the findings of astrophysics, nwherein this earth, all the living and non-living things in it, came from the same “ingredients” produced when the universe was birthed 13.8 billion years ago [see article on the connection between human life and all of the universe’s creations]. If birds, and mountains, pets and humans, are created of the same fabric, then it is no surprise that we have the capacity to connect and communicate with each other.
Despite this well-documented connection between animals and their humans, mainstream science has failed to systemically study it. And this, according to Sheldrake, is where the problems exists. Scientists do not want to deal with emotions because emotions are hard to document and categorize. And studying about the range of emotions that animals feel is equivalent to acknowledging that they are sentient, alive, and intuitive beings. We would have lost the right to experiment on them, or to keep them in cages.
This article shows us that the same mindset that has relegated nature and animals as mere objects is the same mindset that has objectified human life. When scientists studied the human DNA, they expected to find trillions of base pairs that would explain every function of our bodies, minds, and hearts, all in the hopes of showing that we are nothing more than machines that can be replicated using a much sturdier physical material. But scientific findings showed that much of our human capacities cannot be explained materially.
Materialism persists, not because modern science supports it, but because there are stubborn humans who refuse to acknowledge evidences that refutes it. Materialism is no more than an ideology, and its strength relies on the fact that people are unaware of the results of the new sciences.
[See the article A New Scientific Revolution Is Already Here for a more in-depth discussion of materialism as an ideology, and the emerging second, more spiritual scientific revolution].
A Call for Unity
This, essentially, is the reason why the Fully Human website exists. A new reality is being shaped, and the foundation of the future society is being created today. Will we choose to build a future society that blindly follows an outdated ideology? Or will we choose to build a society that relies on the results of a true and faithful science - a science that shows the preciousness of all the earth and all life and non-life present in this planet?
If you choose the second option, help us reach more people by sharing our stories on your feeds and walls. This way, more people will discover the results of the new sciences, and in the process, we can all begin to shape reality that is more coherent, equitable, respectful of all life and creation.
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