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1 min readThe overlap between neuroscience and philosophy

How do humans resolve problems? Patricia Churchland shows us that our capacity for creative thinking helps us discover new frontiers in science and philosophy.

In this conversation with Edge, neurophilosopher Patricia Chuchland attempts to answer the following questions: where does moral motivation come from? Is this characteristic unique to human beings or do animals have this same capacity? Churchland says that in order to answer these questions, philosophy must change from old-fashioned word-meaning analysis. Philosophy must refocus towards a phenomenological understanding of how science is helping us understand the nature of thought, of self, and the nature of making decisions.

Implications for AI 

We need to transform the way we think so that we can discover new realities and connections. Our capacity to discover how our biology works shows us that we are capable of great things, of breaking beyond our own physical and conceptual boundaries.

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