1 min readSpirituality as a catalyst for change

The light of our spiritual selves is the greatest gift we can offer the earth.

In this article written by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, he talks about the challenges that are in our midst, and the increasing need to create a new story that will guide humanity into a real sustainable future. To turn the tide, we must change our own consciousness and strive to heed the call of the Earth towards unity. Vaughan-Lee says that the earth needs our prayers and the light of our spiritual aspiration to create the shift.

Implications for AI

Something is coming alive in our chaotic earth. The solution to climate change, wars, and widespread poverty is not only direct action, but also a common striving to bring to this world the best version of ourselves. When we practice our spirituality, we reconnect to the earth and we give back to life.

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