Scientists discover quasiparticles are immortal

Scientists discover quasiparticles are immortal

Scientists have found quasiparticles that violates the second law of thermodynamics. Can this be the scientific explanation of the immortality of the human soul?

In a recently concluded study published by Nature Physics, researchers Ruben Verresen, Roderich Moessner, and Frank Pollmann says that quasiparticles in quantum systems could be considered immortal. Quasiparticles do decay after a certain period of time, but contrary to the second law of thermodynamics (which states that systems can only break down, and not build back up again), these quasiparticles re-organize themselves back into existence, possibly in an infinite cycle.

Implications for AI

If new quantum physics can help us understand life and health better [see Joe Dispenza: You Can Cure Yourself Through Your Thoughts and Quantum Physics Can Help Biology Answer Life’s Biggest Questions], could it also help us access immortality consciously? Can this be the scientific explanation for human immortality?

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Read published scientific article from Nature Physics.

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