1 min readQuantum mechanics shows us that the universe has a purpose

This new experiment shows us that researchers cannot determine for certain whether the action of an entangled particle is a cause or an effect.

In a research article published by Nature, researches Magdalena Zych, Fabio Costa, Igor Pikovski, and Caslav Bruner are forced to rethink causality. Based on their research, not only can two physically separated (but entangled) particles can affect each other, they can also influence each other through time. It means that researchers cannot determine with certainty whether particle A acted before or after particle B.

You may read the original article (which is highly technical, as it explains the actual methodologies and the mathematics used for the research) on the Nature Communications website. To aid in understanding the research however, you may choose to read the attached article written by Eric Holloway for Mind Matters.

Implications for AI

When scientists discovered the world of the quantum, they thought that they would finally discover the foundation of all existence. For many, quantum entanglement has provided the solution to various psi phenomena, but as this research is showing us, there is greater mystery that remains uncovered. There is no final causality, not even in the quantum level.

Could this mean that our entire universe is imbued with a final causality to is beyond the material universe?

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