1 min readLinking minds through joint attention

Rupert Sheldrake shows us that humans have the capacity for mental resonance.

When people direct their attention to the same object, can they experience mental resonance? This is the question that Rupert Sheldrake hoped to answer in this 2015 research published by the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research.

In the article below, Sheldrake details the methodologies he used for research, the results he collected, and the implications of his research. In summary, Sheldrake says that the evidence shows that the “guessers” were receiving unidentified influences from the “lookers” which enabled them to make correct guesses which are significantly above chance.

Implications for AI

Sheldrake’s work does not only show us that humans have the capacity to experience the same thing, we are also able to detect when we are having the same experience. This discovery takes us beyond empathy, and brings us towards awareness of a collective experience, hence effectively giving us power over that experience. It means that a collective can gain the power to transform their realities together.

Sheldrake’s work, though still at its initial stage, opens new doors for research on collective consciousness. It also offers us new hope at transforming our future. It shows us that even though we don’t have the a great number of people seeking for change, the power of our intention and attention can make the difference.

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