Mark Grober is the author of the book An End To Upside Down Thinking and a member of the Board of Directors at the Institute of Noetic Sciences. In August 2019, he launched the show entitled Where Is My Mind?, an 8-part podcast which features some important names in consciousness research.
In this podcast series, Grober asserts that because human consciousness goes beyond the brain, psychic abilities aren’t paranormal at all. If we are all part of a single consciousness, then we all have these “paranormal capacities”. Moreover, being a part of a one mind means that we are all equal - it makes sense to treat each other with utmost love and respect.
To listen to the podcast (total running time for all podcast: 5 hours, with each episode running about 30-40 minutes), click the link below.
Implications for AI
Our consciousness is beyond the atoms that make up our brains. It is unbounded, eternal, and undying. The greatest proof of this is the numerous accounts of near death experiences, and parapsychological phenomena. Our very nature is beyond the physical, and we have within us, a capacity to transform physical realities. Why then do we want to imprison our consciousness in a silicon body?
Listen to the complete podcast
Introduction to Where Is My Mind?
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Episode 1: Looking In The Telescope
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Episode 2: Blindfolded
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Episode 3: Telepathy
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Episode 4: CIA Psychic Spying And Knowing The Future
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Episode 5: Near-Death Experiences
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Episode 6: The Life Review
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Episode 7: Mediumship And Reincarnation
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Episode 8: Revolution
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