This article for written by Makena Kelly for The Verge, she reports that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has tasked some of the largest tech companies and social media platforms in the world to provide data on how they collect and utilize personal information. Some of the companies included in FTC’s notice include YouTube, WhatsApp, Twitter, Snap, Reddit, Facebook, Amazzon, Discord, and Tiktok’s parent company, ByteDance.
The order is part of FTC’s latest investigation which aims to audit companies for possible wrongful behavior.
Editor’s Note: This investigation is important because it is a recognition to the wide-ranging impact of Big Tech companies to our daily lives. This should serve as an awakening to us users of these services: many of these companies are earning income from our data. It is within their interest to continue collecting our personal info to the detriment of our own privacy.
While we cannot say that this move will cause huge changes in the way tech companies do their business, we are nonetheless thankful that a government office is at least taking notice.
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