Experts believe that AGI will be achieved in 5 to 10 years

Experts believe that AGI will be achieved in 5 to 10 years

We may not have 45 years to prepare for AGI. Are our societies ready?

In 2017, Katja Grace and colleagues predicted that AGI will be achieved in 45 years [read Research Predicts When AI Will Surpass Humans]. But attendees to the 2018 Joint Multi-Conference on Human Level Artificial Intelligence believes otherwise. The survey showed that 37% of respondents believed that AGI will be achieved in the next 5 to 10 years.

Speakers to the conference included Ben Goertzel of Hanson Robotics, Tomas Mikolov of Facebook AI Research, and Paul Smolensk of John Hopkins University to name a few. Attendees to the conferences included researchers, academics and technology enthusiasts.

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