2 min readCaring for the soul of the world

Robert Sardello says that in the work of sacred service for the sake of the world, the power of power, and the feeling of feeling is relinquished.

In this article for the Kosmos Journal, Robert Sardello offers to us a new way of assessing the outcome of our work in the world. He says that in order for us to truly care for the soul of the world, we must do it though the cultivation of our own soul (spirituality).

When we become stronger in our soul work, Sardello says, we know the exact action that is required from us by the world. Sardello also says that we will be able to become detached from the desire for success, but we remain attached to desire and passion.

Implications for AI

It can be difficult for a person to determine the purpose of their lives when they are in the middle of a world in chaos [no wonderments more and more of our youth today are committing suicide. To learn more about this, read xx]. But Sardello offers us a solution - it is no so much about discovering our life purpose, but learning to listening to call of the world and acting accordingly.

This vantage point is very different, because it brings us back to center. That our desire to discover what it means to be fully human is not for our own sake, but to further evolution, to make the dreams of the world (and the intelligence that has created it), real.

When we look at our task from this angle, we area then filled with deep humility and gratitude, for whoever we have become as people, whatever mistakes we may have done in the past, the world is calling on us. To be here in this blog, and to read to the end of this work means that within you is a deep need to understand your role, a deep desire to act, to be present in the evolution of our planet, our culture, and all of humanity.

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