This 2007 article by Leo Napinen takes inspirations from Ilya Prigogine’s work [see Order Out Of Chaos: An Introduction], which looks at all the real processes of nature as irreversible. Hence, Napinen says that to be able to understand the natural world, we must look at it historically. The new sciences shows us that the natural world has a huge degree of creativity, and the role of the scientist is not to create fundamental definitions, but rather to discover how human beings belong to one, self-organizing being and evolving world.
Implications for AI
The observer is no longer separate from the observed. Our external world is a reflection of the level of evolution we, human beings have attained. In order for us to truly understand how to resolve the problems of the world, we must first know who we are, and the unique space we take up in the evolution in the world. Only then will be able realize what the next step of natural evolution would be. This, essentially, is the heart of the Fully Human movement.
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