How Darwinism Gave Birth to Eugenics

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How Darwinism Gave Birth to Eugenics

In this November 6, 2023, article for Life Site News, Jonathan Van Maren discusses how Darwinism gave birth to eugenics—the false science geared toward creating an “ideal” human society.

Editor’s Note: Eugenics is alive and well, though its followers have taken to hiding their true intentions in the dark. This article is important because it helps us understand the very foundations of transhumanism and the current push to eradicate carbon-based humans.

The goal is to “eradicate” the useless eaters, the weak, and the deformed. Eugenics and transhumanism have no respect for human life and dignity. What gave them the right to decide who can live and procreate? [Read WHAT IS TRANSHUMANISM?, TRANSHUMANISM: IMMORTALITY FOR THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD IT, THE TRANSHUMANIST DREAM: FOR HUMANS TO BECOME COMPUTERS].

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