Scientists create embryos that are part human, part monkey

Scientists create embryos that are part human, part monkey

We have reached a new level of experimentation.

Scientists have created embryos that are part human, part monkey. In this April 15, 2021 article for the NPR, Rob Stein discusses the benefits of this research, as well as the ethical issues that arise from it.

According to Stein, the embryos are part of research aimed at understanding how human organs develop. Through this research, scientists hope to produce organs for those who need transplants.

Meanwhile, Kirstin Matthews, a fellow for science and technology at Rice University raises some very important questions: “Should it be regulated as human because it has a significant proportion of human cells in it? Or should it be regulated just as an animal? Or something else? At what point are you making something and using it for organs when it actually is starting to think and have logic?”

Editor’s Note: The issues raised in this article are the same issues we ask of artificial intelligence and robots created in the likeness of humans. Those issues were raised four years ago, but until now, we have not found the answers. Are we truly conscious of the repercussions of our experimentation? It looks like our scientists are not fully aware of the true impact of their researches.

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