White House issues guidance for regulating AI applications

White House issues guidance for regulating AI applications

AI regulation is finally a thing. Will this new White House memo be the solution?

In this November 19, 2020 report for ZDNet, author Aimee Chanthadavong reports on a new memorandum issued by the White House to federal agencies on how they can regulate artificial intelligence (AI) applications developed in the US.

The memorandum was issued to balance the issue of arising out of AI development, with the potential risks associated with the technology. It also outlines 10 stewardship principles that can be used as benchmarks by federal agencies in regulating AI. Some of these principles include the protection of privacy of individual AI users, the need for consistent risk assessment and management across different agencies and technologies, the development of fair and non-discriminate technology, the development of AI systems that are safe, secure, and that operate in the way it was intended. Federal agencies are required to submit their compliance plans to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs by May 17, 2021 to assure consistency.

Editor’s Note: Though this initiative is clearly in its beginning stages, but it must be noted that this is good development, especially when implemented properly. As federal agencies are still developing their compliance plans, we must keep posted with the movements in this regard. After all, we are already seeing how AI is reshaping our communities, so AI regulation must happen sooner, rather than later.

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