In this April 15, 2022, article published by Medical News Today, Erika Watts reports on the results of a study entitled Big-C creativity in artists and scientists is associated with more random global but less random local fMRI functional connectivity.
The study, which was conducted by researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), found that the brains of extremely creative people functioned differently compared to non-creative people.
Dr. Ariana Anderson, lead author of the study said, “Our results showed that highly creative people [referrred to as Big C in the study] had unique brain connectivity that tended to stay off the beaten path”. Unlike the “smart comparison group” which consisted of highly intelligent participants, the brains of Big C group tended to make random connections. They exhibited what the researchers called “reduced small worldliness” which refers to the “clustering of nearby nodes into ‘cliques’ or ‘hubs’”.
Anderson further explains what small worldliness means: “This more random connectivity may be less efficient much of the time, but the architecture enables brain activity to ‘take a road less traveled’ and make novel connections”.
Editor’s Note: This study tells us several things. First, it confirms the fact that creativity is going to be very difficult to program as it is not linear.
Second, the recognition that creativity is highly important for the future of humanity[1], … Continue reading is a recognition of the unique position humanity holds for the future. It doesn’t matter how high-tech our society becomes, the creation and implementation of new ideas remain in the realm of human beings. [Also read HUMAN CREATIVITY IN THE AGE OF AI].
Third, this article confirms what we already know: that we can learn to be creative [see THE EXPERIENCE OF HIGHER CREATIVITY].
Remember, if creative brains have unique brain connectivity, and we have the capacity to change the wiring of our brains, then we can learn to be creative! [read WHAT IS POSITIVE NEUROPLASTICITY?]
And because humans can learn to be creative, we are still relevant to the future of our planet.
Lastly, this article is proof that the future of transhumanism is not going to be the downloading of our consciousness to computers. Doing so would eliminate creativity from humanity. And because materialist scientists still have not figured out how the creative brain functions, they will probably push for a brain-computer interface, which could open an entirely new problem for humanity [see HUMAN AUGMENTATION: MAKING YOUR BRAIN HACKABLE].
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