New survey shows more Americans are aware of data privacy violations by Big Tech

New survey shows more Americans are aware of data privacy violations by Big Tech

From the general apathy of several years ago, people are now awakening to the importance of data privacy.

The link below is a summary of a survey conducted by Transcend last June 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic. The poll included over 1,000 Americans and was focused on attitudes and insights on data privacy.

Some of the important findings of the survey includes the following:

  • 98% of Americans agree that data privacy is important
  • 94% agree that data privacy will become even more critical in the next five years
  • 97% believe that it is their right to have access to their personal data.
  • 65% want to access their personal data so that they can choose what companies can and cannot collect
  • 93% of American would switch to a company that prioritizes data privacy
  • 91% would prefer to buy from companies that guarantees their capacity to easily access their personal information

Editor’s Note: Truly, people are awakening to the importance of protecting their personal data, compared to several years ago when we first started this website. We are happy to see this development, and we wish that more platforms that respect data privacy will be created. This way, individuals who still wish to engage online can continue to do so without compromising their data security and personal privacy.

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