In this March 8, 2021 article written by Ellen Cushing for The Atlantic, we discover that stay-at-home orders and physical distancing are not as harmless as we think they are.
By relating her own experiences, we discover how the pandemic has made us forget how to function in a normal society. It has taught us new habits and made old ones obsolete, making real the age-old neuroscience dictum: use it or lose it.
Some of the most important points on this article includes the fact that the pandemic has subjected all of us to constant stress, and has high jacked our executive functions, as well as our capacity to learn and remember. Perhaps one of the most chilling effects of the lockdowns is this: “It’s about surviving, not thriving. No one is working at their highest capacity”.
Editor’s Note: This pandemic has taken so much from us. It taken away our sense of security and has erased all our progress towards a better society. It brought the resurgence of the materialist sciences, and the cancellation of a science that could reveal the true nature of the human being and the universe we inherit.
Coronavirus policies have a dehumanizing effect - a reality that is not so easily measured by those in government who are so obsessed with numbers and qualitative measures. Though the oppression is growing, the pushback is also growing. If the massive crowd gathering during World Freedom Protests are any indication, regular citizens are awakening to the systematic degradation of our human dignity.
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