On December 9, 2020, the Healthy Heavens Trust launched a petition for the pause in all satellite licensing and launches being approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The petition came as the FCC granted blanket license to several companies to launch over 80,000 low-orbit non-geostationary satellites and millions of earth stations which were developed for expanded internet access.
The Trust says that the US government has already recognized the national and international risk of these satellites. The Trust also reiterates that there is no comprehensive plan to address the risks created by these satellites.
The petition adds, “all nation states hold the integrity of the Heavens in sacred Public Trust, and therefore must act as stewards and fiduciaries for this Public Trust”. Allowing US companies to deploy satellites, the authors say, is a violation of international laws and treaties safeguarding human and environmental rights. Moreover, the Trust states that there are more secure, reliable, and environmentally sound solutions to internet access.
Editor’s Note: Even the world is grappling with the health impacts of COVID-19, and the societal damage brought about by extreme coronavirus measures, installation of 5G satellites and earth stations continue under the guise of “essential work”. Companies insist that we all need better internet as most people are forced to do their work and businesses at home. What they fail to stress is that the health issues raised by 5G deployment remains unaddressed to this day [see 5g issues]. But the pushback against 5G remains alive. The inability of many people to protest against 5G (as many countries are still on lockdown) must not be construed as acceptance.
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