Martin Heidegger on Technology

Martin Heidegger on Technology

Could our conscious search for the truth enable us to discover the real meaning of our beingness?

Considered as one of the most important (if not the most controversial) philosophers of the 20th century, Martin Heidegger’s ideas have a widespread impact in various fields such as psychology, theology, hermeneutics, and even technology. In the article attached below, we are introduced to Heidegger’s view of technology as a “way of revealing” that is not a human activity. He says that if we wish to understand “being” (as in the beingness of humans), we must go beyond the technological framework.

Implications for AI

Heidegger’s philosophy enjoins us to create a free relationship to technology by questioning it. His ideas show us that though previous technologies have enabled us to discover reality, modern tech is enframing – it hides the truth from us, hence forcing us to consciously seek out for the truth.

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