In this February 2019 article for Collective Evolution, Arjun Walia reports on the results of a study conducted by the University of California Berkeley showing that gratitude can help people feel happier and experience less depression. The study involved nearly 300 adults who were suffering from anxiety and depression. The subjects were divided into two groups, with one group instructed to write a letter of gratitude to another person once a week for three weeks, and the other writing about their deepest thoughts and feelings about negative experiences. Results of the study showed that those who wrote gratitude letters received better mental health for up to 12 weeks after the writing exercise ended.
Editor’s Note: This article is a reminder for all of us that there is a way out of the prevalent hopelessness gripping our societies. For some of us, our homes may feel like a prison, and finding something to be grateful for every day will help us emerge out of this “pandemic” whole and human.
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